Top Foods to Avoid with GERD and IBD

Top Foods to Avoid with GERD and IBD

GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a common condition that causes acid reflux. The food items you eat influence the amount of acid produced by your stomach. When the acid flows back from your stomach to your esophagus, it can cause troubling symptoms such as heartburn. By knowing what foods to eat and avoid in GERD, as well as talking to your doctor about potential treatments to reduce symptoms, you will be able to overcome the problem of acid reflux. Read this article to know more about what to do. Foods to eat  1. Vegetables They are low in sugar and fat, which help in reducing the production of stomach acid. Consider adding green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, and cucumbers to your diet. 2. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a great breakfast option because it is an excellent source of fiber. A fiber-rich diet can help lower the production of acid, thereby reducing the risk of acid reflux. You can also consume whole-grain bread and rice to increase your fiber intake. 3. Ginger Its anti-inflammatory properties work as a natural treatment for heartburn. Just add sliced ginger root or grated ginger to your green tea or smoothies to relieve the heartburn.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid to Manage ADHD Symptoms

Foods to Eat and Avoid to Manage ADHD Symptoms

A healthy and balanced diet is necessary to lead a quality life. Eating nutritious foods can also help alleviate ADHD symptoms. However, one would have to take a comprehensive look at their dietary habits to know what to eat and avoid. Read on to learn more about foods to manage ADHD symptoms. Foods to eat 1. Protein Proteins are an essential nutrient for the body, especially if one has ADHD. They help maintain blood sugar levels. A sudden drop in blood sugar can make one feel ill, making it difficult to stay focused. Proteins also stimulate the production of neurotransmitters known as serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. These chemicals help in restoring emotional balance, a crucial thing for anyone with ADHD. High protein foods include beans, pulses, nuts, and dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and so on. Make sure to add some form of protein in breakfast. For instance, mix up a breakfast of muesli with fruit and yogurt for a power punch of nutrients. 2. Whole grains Whole grains are necessary for people with ADHD because it prevents sugar crashes and maintains a steady dose of energy. They also contain essential minerals and fiber to aid digestion. Whole grains include brown rice, whole oats, buckwheat, and quinoa.
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4 Tips for Managing an Overactive Bladder

4 Tips for Managing an Overactive Bladder

With medications and simple changes in lifestyle, managing an overactive bladder (OAB) can be easy. Similar to limiting fluid intake and avoiding alcohol, several tips can help you control your bladder movements and enjoy a normal life. So here are some useful lifestyle tips to tackle an overactive bladder, which can help you live with the condition better and without compromising on your routine. 1. Keep your symptoms in check One of the most useful lifestyle tips for an overactive bladder is to maintain a record of your symptoms and discuss them with your doctor. When you start keeping a record, you might notice that there are certain food items or fluids that are making the symptoms worse. Discussing these with your doctor will help you chalk out a plan to treat the symptoms accordingly and help you live a better life. 2. Understand that supplements are not the end solution Popping pills or taking supplements to control OAB symptoms will not solve the situation permanently. It is important to understand this to live better. There is much more that you need to do, such as getting sufficient sleep, eating well, and working out regularly. All these things will help you ensure a healthy bladder.
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Effective Lifestyle Tips to Manage UTIs

Effective Lifestyle Tips to Manage UTIs

Approximately 50% to 60% of adult women tend to experience UTI at least once in their life. It is a massive number because this implies that every five or six women out of every ten experience a urinary tract infection. It is a painful infection, and nobody wants to suffer from it. So, here, we have come up with a few lifestyle tips that will help manage UTIs. Lifestyle tips for UTI 1. Drink a lot of fluids Increasing your everyday fluid intake, particularly water, can help eliminate the bacteria from your urinary tract. It is thus recommended to consume approximately six-to-eight glasses of water daily. 2. Add fruits to your diet Fruits are incredibly helpful for weight loss. They are a rich source of nutrients and vitamins, which boost immunity. Several studies prove that blueberries and common fruit juices, such as cranberries, can help treat UTI. Including fruits in your diet can help overcome a variety of other infections too. 3. Do not hold your pee It is best advised to pass urine once every three to four hours. Holding back urine for long hours can weaken the bladder muscles. It also makes bladder infection more prevalent. 4. Urinate and clean up before and after sex During sex, the bacteria can travel to the urinary tract.
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4 Natural Herbs for Erectile Dysfunction

4 Natural Herbs for Erectile Dysfunction

Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) is a massive challenge for men, regardless of their age. The condition can be caused due to several factors – emotional, health-wise, relationship problems, alcohol, drugs, smoking, or as a side-effect of medicines. Doctors prescribe medication and treatment for ED. However, there are also some lifestyle changes and natural herbs for ED, which can also work. Natural herbs for erectile dysfunction 1. L-arginine L-arginine is an amino acid and a building block of protein. It is a vasodilator, which means it can help in the opening up of blood vessels. So, it boosts the blood reaching the penis and helps men get an erection. If already consuming an ED prescription drug like Viagra, one should avoid L-arginine. Consuming the two together will result in a drop in blood pressure. It can also cause flushing or headaches. L-arginine’s few common side effects are stomach cramps, nausea, increased blood sugar levels, and low blood pressure. 2. Yohimbe For many years, the African tree bark, yohimbe, has been used as a go-to supplement for curing ED. Many clinical trials have also brought improvements in people who experience ED as the side effects of depression medications. However, yohimbe has an array of side effects, such as anxiety, heightened blood pressure, irregular or fast heartbeat.
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6 Natural Ways to Manage Sleep Apnea

6 Natural Ways to Manage Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing halts and then restarts while sleeping. It can be life-threatening. Sleep apnea is of three main types: obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea syndrome. You can handle this condition through various methods. Here are six natural ways to manage sleep apnea: 1. Exercise regularly Exercise can cure many ailments of the human body. It is also one of the most effective natural ways to manage sleep apnea. However, if you stop exercising and pile on the pounds, the condition may return. Yoga, in particular, is an excellent form of exercise to improve your body’s breathing. 2. Maintain a healthy weight This one is related to the point above. You have to maintain a healthy body weight. Quite often, being overweight can be bad for your respiratory system and can put pressure on your breathing while you sleep. Losing weight can help manage the symptoms of sleep apnea successfully. 3. Change your sleeping position Experts often recommend trying to change your position while sleeping to manage your sleep apnea. In particular, sleeping on your back might worsen your symptoms. If you notice this to be happening, then simply change over to either your left or right side as you sleep, and you should hopefully see an improvement in your condition.
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6 Natural Remedies for Hyperhidrosis

6 Natural Remedies for Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating, which is not always related to exercising or heat. Sometimes one might sweat so much that the sweat will start dripping through their clothes. Not managing the symptoms can often lead to embarrassing social situations. If looking for solutions to overcome this problem, one must try these natural remedies for hyperhidrosis. 1. Acupuncture Acupuncture aims to target specific parts of the body that help preserve the balance of energy and also control the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that helps in reducing sweat. 2. Sage tea Sage leaves contain tannic acid that gives them natural astringent properties. As such, they can keep one’s sweat glands in check and minimize sweating. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties present in sage leaves can also regulate the growth of bacteria. One can make sage tea from its leaves and consume it regularly to control the sweat production naturally. 3. Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar is useful for several reasons, especially in controlling excess sweat. The vinegar balances one’s pH levels and prevents the bacteria from thriving in regions where it is applied. It is especially useful for someone who has clammy hands or sweaty armpits.
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Cold and Flu – Top 5 Prevention Tips

Cold and Flu – Top 5 Prevention Tips

Studies prove that every year millions of Americans suffer from cold. Yes, that is correct: millions. When you add the flu suffer count to this, the number will only be higher. Usually, a lot of people catch the flu or common cold in the winter months, primarily because of the weather changes. During this time, people spend a lot of their time indoors, which causes the illness to spread even faster. Although the flu and cold are quite common, there are some prevention tips for cold and flu that help prevent catching the disease.  1. Cover Yourself and Avoid Close Contact Anytime you sneeze or cough, make it a point to cover your nose and mouth. It can help prevent those around you from falling sick. If you see someone is sick, please avoid going near them. Maintain a reasonable distance from others to prevent the spread of infection.  2. Exercise Exercising is a known immunity booster. So, include moderate exercise in your routine for at least 45 minutes a day, for a minimum of five days a week. It can help increase your resistance to cold and flu.  3. Wash Your hands During the flu and cold season, it is vital to maintain good hand hygiene.
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6 Risk Factors for Melanoma

6 Risk Factors for Melanoma

There are several factors that might increase the chances of a person attaining a certain kind of disease. In this article, we will talk about some of the common risk factors of melanoma. Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer in which melanocytes, cells that give the skin its color, start to grow out of control. 1. Moles People who have had unusual moles or many moles are at a higher risk of getting melanoma. Such moles are also referred to as dysplastic moles and have irregular shapes and colors. In this case, the doctor may prescribe regular photography of the skin to keep track of the moles. 2. Fair skin, blonde or light hair, and freckles People with red or blonde hair, fair complexion, freckles, and blue eyes are at risk of developing melanoma. Also, people whose skin tends to burn instead of tanning are also vulnerable to melanoma. From an ethnic point of view, the risk of melanoma is higher in Caucasian people than in African-Americans. 3. Familial history Genetics is one of the risk factors for melanoma. The risk of getting melanoma increases if one or more first-degree relatives have had a history with melanoma. These include parents, children, brothers, and sisters.
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Foods That Manage Inflammation in Gout Patients

Foods That Manage Inflammation in Gout Patients

Gout is a type of arthritis characterized by uric acid deposits in joints that eventually develop into crystals. The symptoms of gout include severe joint pain, swelling, and a burning sensation in the big toe, among others. Gout is triggered by a substance called purine, which is found in foods. Purine is disintegrated into uric acid, and that’s why it’s the main culprit of gout. Thankfully, there are anti-inflammatory foods that can manage the symptoms of gout. Maintaining a diet low in purine is essential for gout patients. And an anti-inflammatory diet, cue Mediterranean diet, can help reduce the inflammation. However, no specific diet can entirely protect the patient from gout flare-ups or even heal this type of arthritis. But the good news is, there are anti-inflammatory foods that can help manage the symptoms of gout. 1. Fish, nuts, olive oil, nuts, and seeds These foods dominate the Mediterranean diet, and they are packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Foods like these make for a great addition to a gout patient’s diet. However, seafood only when consumed in moderate amounts is good to manage gout attacks. 2. Oranges, sweet lime, bell peppers, lime It’s highly recommended to include fruits and vegetables that are packed with vitamin C.
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