Early Warning Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Early Warning Signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition in which a blood clot forms in one or more veins, most commonly in the legs. In some cases, the condition might not cause any symptoms, while it may lead to swelling and pain in the legs in other cases. Here are some other telltale symptoms of deep vein thrombosis that require medical attention. 1. Warning signs and telltale symptoms of deep vein thrombosis The symptoms of deep vein thrombosis are caused due to obstruction in blood flow, leading to the accumulation of blood in the veins, especially of the legs. The symptoms can include: Swelling in the legs A crucial symptom of deep vein thrombosis that should be taken seriously is swelling in the legs. Swelling associated with this condition can affect one or both legs. Tenderness or pain Another telltale symptom of deep vein thrombosis is a feeling of tenderness or pain in the ankle, foot, leg, or arm. The pain might feel like a cramp that does not subside. The pain in the leg or feet might only be experienced when one walks or stands. Change in affected skin’s color and temperature The affected area can start feeling warm. Apart from the pain, the skin around the affected area can become red or dark, and the veins in the area will become swollen and hard.
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5 States to Avoid for Arthritis Patients

5 States to Avoid for Arthritis Patients

Inflammation in the joints leads to the onset of arthritis. Around 25% American population is affected by this disease. It is an uphill climb for the people who often struggle to perform basic tasks on a day-to-day basis. A life with arthritis is difficult as it is, and if you are planning to move to another state, make sure you skip these five states as it can aggravate the condition. 1. Georgia Georgia is known for its warm summer and sun-kissed climate. However, its citizens often complain about its unpredictable weather that can cause shifts in barometric pressure. It is also geographically positioned in a way that makes it susceptible to hurricanes that can send rain and storms to the entire state. This has been a major cause of concern for people suffering from arthritis. Not only do these conditions flare up their symptoms, but the unfavorable healthcare system makes matters worse. Consisting of a smaller ratio of arthritis experts with regards to its patients, you may not always be able to use your health insurance to pay for your treatment. If you have joint pains or suffering from arthritis, then you must consider avoiding this place. 2. Oklahoma According to experts, Oklahoma is one of the worst states to live in for arthritis patients.
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6 Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

6 Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer

A risk factor is something that increases one’s probability of developing a disease, such as cancer. Studies and researches have shown that there are certain risk factors for ovarian cancer. And, in this article, we are going to discuss some of them in brief. 1. Family history Family history is one of the risk factors of ovarian cancer. Women whose mother, grandmother, aunt, or sister has had any form of cancer at a risk of suffering from ovarian cancer. 2. Age The risk of developing ovarian cancer in women increases with age. Ovarian cancer is more common in women above the age of 63 years and least common in women below the age of 40. More specifically, ovarian cancer rates are the maximum in women between the age of 55 and 64 years. 3. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) HRT is prescribed to women to get rid of menopausal symptoms such as sleeplessness, hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. Studies and evidence suggest that if a woman undergoes hormone replacement therapy after menopause, then she may be at a slight risk of ovarian cancer. 4. Obesity Various studies suggest a link between obesity and ovarian cancer. One study found that obesity was linked with almost 80 percent higher risk of ovarian cancer in women between the ages of 50 and 71, who had not undergone any hormonal therapy after menopause.
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6 Major Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

6 Major Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer occurs when a tumor forms in the pancreas of the patient. Studies show that every year more than 57,000 people in the country develop the disease. Now, there are certain risk factors that increase a person’s chances of developing pancreatic cancer. Having these risk factors does not guarantee that you will suffer from the condition, but it does put one at greater risk of it. Here are six risk factors for pancreatic cancer that you need to know about. 1. Age Studies show that one’s age is directly related to pancreatic cancer cases. Around 70% of adults who are diagnosed with the disease tend to be above 65 years old. While it is true that even younger people may develop this condition, it is more common in older adults. 2. Having a family history Many forms of cancer tend to run in the family. This means that if a close blood relative had that form of cancer, chances are high you may develop the condition. The same is the case with pancreatic cancer. Studies show that the risk is even higher when immediate family members have been affected – this includes one’s mother, father, brother, or sister. In some cases, one may even develop pancreatic cancer if other forms of cancer run in the family that share any kind of genetic mutation with pancreatic cancer.
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4 Major Risk Factors for Sarcoma

4 Major Risk Factors for Sarcoma

Sarcoma is a term used for a variety of cancers that can affect any part of the human body. It generally develops in the bones and tissues of the body. There are many risk factors that can increase one’s chances of developing sarcoma. Read on to know more about four of the primary risk factors for sarcoma. 1.  Exposure to chemicals Exposure to certain chemicals can be bad for one’s health, increasing the chances of developing cancer, in particular sarcoma. One such chemical that increases the risk of developing sarcoma is vinyl chloride, which is used in making plastic. Another chemical that is dangerous is arsenic. Some studies also show that herbicides can prove deadly as well. 2. Genetic factors For some people, cancer tends to run in the genes. If you have inherited certain diseases from your parents, you face a higher risk of developing sarcoma. These diseases include the following. von Recklinghausen disease is known to cause mostly tumors that are benign and sometimes sarcomas. Gardner’s syndrome increases one’s risk of developing colon cancer. Retinoblastoma or eye cancer can lead to sarcomas in the soft tissue or bone due to radiation given for cancer treatment. Werner syndrome increases chances of getting soft tissue sarcoma.
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Main Causes and Symptoms of PAH

Main Causes and Symptoms of PAH

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a condition affecting the arteries, heart, and lungs. For some people, the disease may become life-threatening if it isn’t treated on time. Due to the non-availability of a cure, the best way to avoid it is by educating yourself about the symptoms and causes for PAH. Read this article to know more. Symptoms The symptoms of PAH are not visible immediately because they develop over time. However, as the disease progresses, the symptoms get worse and become more noticeable. Some of them are listed below: 1. Shortness of breath If you feel breathless while exercising and eventually even when you are at rest, then consider it a warning sign. 2. Swelling PAH can cause swelling in your legs and ankles, also known as edema. It occurs as a result of your body’s inability to flush out toxins. PAH can make your body more susceptible to fluid retention. 3. Chest pain As the pressure on your heart increases, the muscles become weak and work harder than usual. An enfeebled heart can cause chest pains along with heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, and a racing pulse. 4. Blue lips or skin PAH leads to an insufficient supply of oxygen to your red blood cells.
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6 Early Breast Cancer Symptoms for Menopausal Women

6 Early Breast Cancer Symptoms for Menopausal Women

The risk of cancer increases with age, and with menopause, the chances can be higher. Women that who menopause after the age of 55 have a greater risk of developing breast cancer because of longer exposure to estrogen. The symptoms of breast cancer in menopausal women are the same as those for women of any age. So, we’ve made a list of the top warning signs one should look out for. 1. Skin Texture If one notices changes in the texture of their skin, then it can be an early warning sign of breast cancer. This is due to inflammation in skin cells, which makes the skin scaly around the nipples and areola. It appears as though the skin is extremely dry or sunburned. However, texture changes may also occur due to eczema or dermatitis. 2. Nipple Discharge This is a critical symptom of breast cancer in menopausal women. Although it is common for breastfeeding women to have a milky discharge, any other discharge from the nipple area must be examined by a doctor immediately. 3. Pain and Swelling Breast cancer can cause the breast area to swell, which can lead to painful symptoms. There may not be a lump, but the size of the breast might be different from one another.
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Causes and Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Causes and Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is a form of cancer that begins in the large intestine, the terminal part of the digestive tract. It is a tumor that arises from the inner walls of the large intestine, and it usually begins as a small and noncancerous clump of cells known as polyps. The condition is among the top three types of cancer common in males and the fourth among females in the country. Here are some of the main telltale signs of colon cancer. Telltale signs of colon cancer Most cancers in the rectum or colon develop from the polyps, so regular screening helps in diagnosing the polyps as they start growing into a tumor. Early warning signs and symptoms of colon cancer may include: 1. Rectal bleeding Bloody stools and unexplained bleeding from the rectum is among the main signs of colon cancer. 2. Changes in stool formation Suffering from diarrhea or constipation are major signs of colon cancer. You can be a victim of watery or unusually ribbon-like stools. Change in the color of stool is also one of the signs to look out for. 3. Bloating in the abdomen Pain, bloating, discomfort, and cramps in the abdomen point towards colon cancer.
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Causes and Symptoms of Anemia

Causes and Symptoms of Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to carry enough oxygen to the body tissues. It can be long-term or temporary and ranges from mild to severe. It is a serious health condition if not treated properly. Treatments range from undergoing medical procedures to taking supplements and eating a varied healthy diet. This article discusses the symptoms of anemia and its causes. Symptoms of anemia As mentioned, anemia is a deficiency or lack of blood in the body. The symptoms vary from person to person, depending upon the cause. One may either show all the signs or no symptoms at all. Some of the symptoms are: 1. Dizziness and weakness The condition causes fatigue, and the person feels like passing out due to lightheadedness. At other times, the body feels tired without any reason. 2. Joints and body pain Pain in the chest and joints are common symptoms of anemia. Even the tongue feels sore at times. 3. Irregular heartbeats Palpitations or rapid, irregular heartbeats, especially after exercise, can be a sign of anemia. 4. Damaged skin and nails The nails become brittle, and the skin feels dry and becomes bruised. Causes of anemia Anemia is not a disease but a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the body.
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5 Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

5 Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer develops gradually. Before the appearance of cancer in the cervix, the cells undergo changes called dysplasia. In dysplasia, the abnormal cells tend to appear in the cervical tissue. With time, the cells become cancerous and start growing and spreading in the cervix and surrounding areas. Treatment options for cervical cancer are mentioned below: 1. Surgery When cervical cancer is in the early stages, it can be treated with surgery. However, the treatment option for cervical cancer chosen depends on the cancer size and the desire to conceive in the future. In surgery, the common options are: Surgery to cut out cancer If the cancer is small, the doctors can remove cancer via a cone biopsy. In this, a cone-shaped piece is cut out from the cervical tissue. However, the cervix is allowed to remain intact. With this option, it is possible to conceive in the future. Cervix removal surgery – Trachelectomy This is another treatment option for cervical cancer in its early stage. In this radical procedure, the surgeon will remove both the cervix and the surrounding tissue. Since the uterus is left behind, it is possible for the patient to concieve. Uterus and cervix removal surgery – Hysterectomy A radical hysterectomy operation treats several early-stage cancers.
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