5 Leading Treatments for Leukemia

5 Leading Treatments for Leukemia

Leukemia is a form of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood. There are four main types of leukemia – acute myeloid leukemia (AML), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Unlike other forms of cancer, leukemia does not develop any masses (tumors) at any place in the patient’s body. In this article, we will take a look at the main treatments for leukemia. 1. Chemotherapy This is the most common form of treatment. Chemotherapy may be given as a pill or as injected directly into the patient’s system. The drugs used are designed to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy cycles are given to the patient with a few days gap in between each of them. The entire course of chemotherapy treatment received by a patient can vary between six months to a lifetime. The patient may be given just one or many drugs, depending on the extent and severity of their cancer. 2. Immunotherapy This treatment for leukemia is sometimes referred to as biological therapy. In immunotherapy, the patient is given certain drugs that lend a boost to their immune system. This helps fight the infection in the body. Interleukins, interferon, and CAR-T cell therapy are common immunotherapies used by doctors for leukemia treatment.
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10 Worst Cities to Live In with Seasonal Allergies and Asthma

10 Worst Cities to Live In with Seasonal Allergies and Asthma

Spring is among the worst times of the year for people with seasonal allergies and asthma. This is when flowers and trees start blooming, increasing the pollen count in the atmosphere. While some may experience only mild symptoms, others might have to deal with severe symptoms at certain times of the year. Here, we have put together a list of the 10 worst cities for people with seasonal allergies and asthma to help you choose your new home wisely. 1. Memphis, Tennessee Memphis is one of the worst cities in the country for people with seasonal allergies and asthma. The city’s poor livability ranking can be attributed to the rise in pollen count that can exacerbate allergy symptoms and aggravate discomfort. 2. Louisville, Kentucky Louisville is known for its tall trees and verdant greens, but this is also one of the primary reasons why it’s unsuitable for people with seasonal allergies and asthma, especially during the spring season. 3. Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte has a high pollen count and significant cases of mold growth in early April due to humid summers and mild winters. As a result, the city is one of the worst choices for people with seasonal allergies and asthma.
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3 Primary Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis

3 Primary Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disabling disorder of the spinal cord and the brain, that is, the central nervous system. As part of this condition, the body’s immune system attacks myelin, the protective covering that envelopes the nerve fibers and leads to a communication imbalance between the brain and the other parts of the body. Over time, MS can lead to permanent deterioration or damage to your nerves. Read on to the treatment options for multiple sclerosis. 1. Injectable Beta interferons  These are injectable medicines that are used for treating remitting and relapsing MS. A few beta interferon products are used for the initial clinical episode with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings consistent with multiple sclerosis. The frequency and mode of injections will depend on the medication. It can either be intramuscular or subcutaneous, and dosage can either be only once every week or daily. Glatiramer acetate It is a medication that can curtail the persistent attack of the immune system on myelin. This is injected underneath the skin. One may experience side effects such as skin irritation at the injection site.  2. Oral treatments Fingolimod  It is a capsule given once every day to cure MS that relapses. The oral capsule will lower the clinical exacerbations frequency and postpone the impact of the disease on one’s physical health.  Dimethyl fumarate The medication is prescribed twice every day.
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7 Treatment Methods for Prostate Cancer

7 Treatment Methods for Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a gland located in the male reproductive system, situated below the male’s bladder and penis. This gland is responsible for producing fluid to protect the sperms. However, prostate cancer can affect the normal functioning of the gland and even be life-threatening. There are various treatment methods for prostate cancer and the type of treatment varies according to your condition. 1. Active surveillance and waiting If the cancer is spreading and beginning to grow, the doctor usually monitors and keeps a track of the cancer through regular tests. This type of prostate cancer treatment is usually meant for men who suffer from low Gleason or from early stage and non-aggressive cancer. 2. Surgery It is another optional treatment for prostate cancer. In this treatment, your prostate gland is completely removed by surgery known as prostatectomy. There exist various types of prostatectomy for you to be recommended by a doctor depending on the severity of your condition. The main aim is to remove all the cancerous cells from your body. 3. Radiation therapy This involves the usage of high energy rays to focus on the prostrate and the surrounding areas in which the cancer is growing. This treatment usually comprises a few sessions, taken in regular intervals as per the recommendation of the doctor and how your body is reacting to it.
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Hepatitis C – Causes and Symptoms

Hepatitis C – Causes and Symptoms

Hepatitis C is caused when the liver is infected by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The condition can lead to inflammation in the organ and can spread for several reasons. The disease is preventable if appropriate steps are taken. This article discusses the causes and symptoms of hepatitis C to seek requisite medical treatment on time. Causes of hepatitis C As mentioned, the HCV virus is the primary cause of hepatitis C infection. It spreads through the body via contaminated blood that allows the virus to enter your bloodstream. Some of its causes are mentioned below: 1. Sharing needles The use of common needles for illegal drugs is one of the leading reasons for the condition. It can also be caused due to non-sterile needles used at the time of piercing and tattooing. 2. Organ transplant Hepatitis C can spread when a person receives an organ transplant from a donor that was infected. However, these days, the donors are scanned for the virus. Therefore, the risk of being infected with HCV after an organ transplant is reduced significantly. 3. Blood transfusion This used to be a common cause of HCV in the past. However, the donated blood these days is screened for viruses, thereby reducing the risk of HCV infection significantly.
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Understanding the Different Types of SMA

Understanding the Different Types of SMA

Spinal muscle atrophy is a disease that affects the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system and causes muscle weakness. People can be affected by different types of spinal muscle atrophy. SMA can vary in severity and affect people in their adulthood. Let us take a look into the different types of spinal muscle atrophy and their symptoms. 1. Type 1 (Severe) Also known as the Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease, this type of Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) is the most severe and common than the others. This type of SMA can be found in kids. The symptoms of the disease include weak trunk movements, limited ability to move. Children diagnosed with this type of SMA experience difficulty in chewing and swallowing food, keeping their head up, and breathing. Some kids with SMA Type 1 do not have the mobility or ability to even sit. Their muscles begin to weaken over time, which leads to respiratory infections and, ultimately, death by the age of 2. 2. Type 2 (Intermediate) Type 2 Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) is the intermediate level and is evident among children between the ages of 7 and 18 months. This type of disease focuses on the child’s legs more rather than their arms.
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7 Early Warning Signs of Asthma

7 Early Warning Signs of Asthma

Asthma is a health condition in which the airways swell and narrow. In some cases, there might be a heightened production of mucus. It will cause difficulty in breathing and might trigger wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness. In some patients, asthma is only a tiny nuisance. However, for many, this can be a huge problem and may intervene in their day-to-day activities. It might even cause a life-threatening attack. Early warning signs of asthma There is no cure for asthma. However, the symptoms that one may experience in an asthma attack can be controlled. Since asthma changes with time, it is vital to consult the doctor and keep a tab on the symptoms to alter the treatment, as required. Here are a few early warning signs of asthma:  1. Wheezing When wheezing, one will notice the production of a whistling sound anytime they exhale. It happens because the carbon dioxide is expelled via the constricted and narrow airways. Even though wheezing is one of the early warning signs of asthma,   the presence of wheezing alone is not a clear sign of asthma. One may experience wheezing due to several other health conditions, such as pneumonia or congestive heart failure.  2. Coughing Coughing persistently is another most common sign of asthma.
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6 Most Effective Birth Control Methods for Women

6 Most Effective Birth Control Methods for Women

It can get confusing with the number of birth control options available, if you’re looking for one.. Figuring out which one works best for you and you’re the most comfortable with is essential. It’s important to use birth control that is effective. In this article, we will be discussing the six most effective birth control methods available to keep you away from unwanted pregnancy. 1. Tubal ligation This method is 100% effective. It is a permanent solution to preventing pregnancy, so, if you’re sure about never having children in the future, this is a great option to consider. You have to go through a very simple procedure that involves blocking your fallopian tubes, so that they don’t transport eggs to the uterus. The recovery time is quick, leaving your daily activities undisturbed (including your period). This procedure is sometimes reversible, however, your fertility cannot be guaranteed. 2. Hormonal contraception Hormonal contraceptives adjust your body’s estrogen or progestin levels to decrease the risk of pregnancy. They include replaceable patches, contraceptive pills, and vaginal rings. There could be side effects initially; however, several women noticed a decrease in menstrual pain after opting for these methods. This method is 91% effective. 3. IUD IUDs are a long-term method of birth control.
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7 Foods Migraine Sufferers Should Avoid

7 Foods Migraine Sufferers Should Avoid

Migraine is a debilitating condition that causes throbbing pain on usually one side of the head. The headache is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to sound and light. Certain food items can also trigger migraines. Here are some foods that you can avoid to overcome the trigger risks: 1. Caffeinated beverages According to research, excessive consumption of caffeine can encourage migraines. Also, the addictive properties of caffeine can cause mental and emotional dependence on it. You can still drink coffee, but try to limit your intake to not more than two cups in a day. 2. Aged cheese The bad news for cheese lovers is that aged cheese can trigger migraine symptoms. The culprit here is tyramine that is found in cheddar, Swiss, and blue cheese, and brie, among others. 3. Chocolate According to a study, chocolate can trigger migraines in up to 42 percent of people. It contains tyramine and phenylethylamine, two compounds that can cause headaches. If you really must have chocolate, then read the labels and aim to consume pure chocolate. 4. Wheat Wheat is one of the most common triggers of migraine. Wheat production these days is laced with pesticides that can have a toxic impact on our brains as well as the gut.
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6 Foods That Aggravate Osteoporosis

6 Foods That Aggravate Osteoporosis

As important as it is to know about the food items that strengthen your bones and help you manage symptoms of bone-related conditions, it is equally important to be aware of the foods that aggravate osteoporosis. Some foods can cause your bone health to erode over time by interfering with their ability to absorb calcium. Read this article to know more. 1. High-sodium food items According to experts, eating excessive salt can inhibit your body from absorbing adequate calcium and causes calcium excretion through your kidneys. To ensure maximum bone health, you must limit your salt intake to less than 2,300 mg per day. A study published recently found that people who eat more salt are prone to osteoporosis, which weakens the bones. 2. Sugary treats People with a sweet tooth often go overboard with sugar. There is no direct link between sugar and bone health. However, people often get exposed to the risk of osteoporosis when they consume more sugary snacks than nutrient-rich food products. The best way to overcome your sweet cravings is to stick to healthy choices, such as cranberries, prunes, and antioxidant-rich fruits that contain bone-friendly nutrients. 3. Carbonated drinks If you drink a lot of soda, then be prepared to face the health consequences later in life.
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