Hepatitis C – Causes and Symptoms

Hepatitis C – Causes and Symptoms

Hepatitis C is caused when the liver is infected by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The condition can lead to inflammation in the organ and can spread for several reasons. The disease is preventable if appropriate steps are taken. This article discusses the causes and symptoms of hepatitis C to seek requisite medical treatment on time.

Causes of hepatitis C
As mentioned, the HCV virus is the primary cause of hepatitis C infection. It spreads through the body via contaminated blood that allows the virus to enter your bloodstream. Some of its causes are mentioned below:

1. Sharing needles
The use of common needles for illegal drugs is one of the leading reasons for the condition. It can also be caused due to non-sterile needles used at the time of piercing and tattooing.

2. Organ transplant
Hepatitis C can spread when a person receives an organ transplant from a donor that was infected. However, these days, the donors are scanned for the virus. Therefore, the risk of being infected with HCV after an organ transplant is reduced significantly.

3. Blood transfusion
This used to be a common cause of HCV in the past. However, the donated blood these days is screened for viruses, thereby reducing the risk of HCV infection significantly.

4. Sharing personal items
The condition can also spread by sharing personal items like towels, scissors, clippers, or toothbrushes with another person.

5. Active sexual life
Engaging in sex with multiple partners can increase a person’s risk of hepatitis C as the virus can be transmitted sexually.

Symptoms of hepatitis C
Depending on the type of hepatitis C, the symptoms can vary from person to person. The following are the symptoms of acute and chronic hepatitis C.

1. Acute hepatitis C
Many people these days infected with this type do not show any signs of sickness or infection. The symptoms usually develop after one to three months of exposure to the virus. If a person has yellow eyes, upset stomach, low appetite, fever, stomach ache, dark urine, joint pain, and tiredness, it is advisable to get tested.

2. Chronic hepatitis C
People who have chronic hepatitis C do not show any symptoms. However, they may show signs of depression and long-term fatigue. Over time, they might develop a chronic liver condition that can be anything between mild to life-threatening, such as liver cancer. Chronic hepatitis C takes its own time to develop and grows very slowly without any signs or symptoms for decades. Hence chronic hepatitis C infection is not detected until a person goes for a blood donation or regular check-ups.

Many people who get infected by the HCV do not show any symptoms. They might experience general tiredness, fever, and pains in the body that can pass off as symptoms for several other conditions. The signs start to show when the disease starts becoming chronic. Therefore one must know the causes and symptoms of Hepatitis C   to recognize the warning signs in time for medical intervention. Timely treatment will prevent any long-term and potentially life-threatening damage to the organs.