Causes and Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Causes and Warning Signs of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is a form of cancer that begins in the large intestine, the terminal part of the digestive tract. It is a tumor that arises from the inner walls of the large intestine, and it usually begins as a small and noncancerous clump of cells known as polyps. The condition is among the top three types of cancer common in males and the fourth among females in the country. Here are some of the main telltale signs of colon cancer.

Telltale signs of colon cancer
Most cancers in the rectum or colon develop from the polyps, so regular screening helps in diagnosing the polyps as they start growing into a tumor. Early warning signs and symptoms of colon cancer may include:

1. Rectal bleeding
Bloody stools and unexplained bleeding from the rectum is among the main signs of colon cancer.

2. Changes in stool formation
Suffering from diarrhea or constipation are major signs of colon cancer. You can be a victim of watery or unusually ribbon-like stools. Change in the color of stool is also one of the signs to look out for.

3. Bloating in the abdomen
Pain, bloating, discomfort, and cramps in the abdomen point towards colon cancer.

4. Change in functions of sensory organs
Blurred eyesight and paleness of the skin are unusual but important signs of colon cancer.

Aside from the telltale signs of colon cancer, it is also crucial to be aware of the causes of the condition, even though medical science has not been able to point out an exact reason for the disease just yet. This will help curb any bad habits that are putting one at greater risk.

Causes of colon cancer

1. Radiation therapies
Radiation therapies that are done in the abdomen to treat other diseases and cancers can increase the chances of developing colon cancer.

2. Inflammation in the intestine
Chronic inflammatory conditions in the colon such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis increase the chances of colorectal cancer.

3. Inactiveness
A sedentary lifestyle and inactiveness are known to increase the chances of getting the condition.

4. High fat diet
High calorie and fat intake with a low fiber diet is known to be associated with the cancer of colon and rectum.

5. Smoking and alcohol
People who smoke and drink alcohol regularly are at an increased risk of developing the disease.

6. Family history
Family history and heredity play an important role. It is more likely that you will develop colon cancer if any blood relative is suffering from it.

7. Obesity
Obese people are at an increased risk of developing and dying from colon cancer.

These are the telltale signs of colon cancer and their associated causes and risk factors. Symptoms of colorectal cancer vary in the early stages of the disease. Many people experience either some of the mentioned symptoms or none at all. Certain risk factors like age and family history are not preventable whereas lifestyle factors can be managed. Regular exercise, limiting alcohol consumption, eating fibrous food, limiting calorie intake, and so on are known to help in preventing the disease.