Causes and Symptoms of Anemia

Causes and Symptoms of Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body lacks healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to carry enough oxygen to the body tissues. It can be long-term or temporary and ranges from mild to severe. It is a serious health condition if not treated properly. Treatments range from undergoing medical procedures to taking supplements and eating a varied healthy diet. This article discusses the symptoms of anemia and its causes.

Symptoms of anemia
As mentioned, anemia is a deficiency or lack of blood in the body. The symptoms vary from person to person, depending upon the cause. One may either show all the signs or no symptoms at all. Some of the symptoms are:

1. Dizziness and weakness
The condition causes fatigue, and the person feels like passing out due to lightheadedness. At other times, the body feels tired without any reason.

2. Joints and body pain
Pain in the chest and joints are common symptoms of anemia. Even the tongue feels sore at times.

3. Irregular heartbeats
Palpitations or rapid, irregular heartbeats, especially after exercise, can be a sign of anemia.

4. Damaged skin and nails
The nails become brittle, and the skin feels dry and becomes bruised.

Causes of anemia
Anemia is not a disease but a condition in which there are not enough red blood cells in the body. There are different causes of anemia, some of which include:

1. Iron-deficiency Anemia
It is the most common type of anemia that occurs due to a deficiency of iron in the body. The bone marrow cannot make enough hemoglobin for RBCs without adequate iron.

2. Vitamin-deficiency Anemia
Folate and vitamin B-12 are essential to produce healthy RBCs. Lack of these two essential nutrients causes a depletion in the production of RBCs.

3. Aplastic anemia
Some infections, autoimmune diseases, and medicines can cause this life-threatening type of anemia in which the body cannot produce RBCs.

4. Sickle cell anemia
This type of anemia is majorly inherited and caused by a defective hemoglobin form. The RBCs in the body are forced to be almost sickle-shaped and die prematurely.

5. Hemolytic anemia
This condition is caused by acquired or inherited diseases, which results in the RBCs breaking down very fast, causing anemia.

6. Diamond-Blackfan anemia
This is the type of anemia that occurs when the bone marrow is unable to produce enough RBCs.

These were the symptoms of anemia and its related causes. Remember, they vary from person to person. Some forms of anemia can be treated merely by supplements and a healthy, nutritious diet. Eating a diet rich in iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid can treat anemias caused by iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency. Including citrus fruits, juices, and vegetables rich in vitamin C in the diet also helps prevent anemia.