7 Treatment Methods for Prostate Cancer

7 Treatment Methods for Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a gland located in the male reproductive system, situated below the male’s bladder and penis. This gland is responsible for producing fluid to protect the sperms. However, prostate cancer can affect the normal functioning of the gland and even be life-threatening. There are various treatment methods for prostate cancer and the type of treatment varies according to your condition.

1. Active surveillance and waiting
If the cancer is spreading and beginning to grow, the doctor usually monitors and keeps a track of the cancer through regular tests. This type of prostate cancer treatment is usually meant for men who suffer from low Gleason or from early stage and non-aggressive cancer.

2. Surgery
It is another optional treatment for prostate cancer. In this treatment, your prostate gland is completely removed by surgery known as prostatectomy. There exist various types of prostatectomy for you to be recommended by a doctor depending on the severity of your condition. The main aim is to remove all the cancerous cells from your body.

3. Radiation therapy
This involves the usage of high energy rays to focus on the prostrate and the surrounding areas in which the cancer is growing. This treatment usually comprises a few sessions, taken in regular intervals as per the recommendation of the doctor and how your body is reacting to it.

4. Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy causes the cancer cells in your body to die. It freezes the prostate tissue in your body, and this type of treatment is recommended as an alternative to removing the prostate gland through surgery. It is a type of focal treatment that only focuses on the area of cancer, instead of the entire prostate gland.

5. Hormone therapy
Androgens are caused by the male hormones, which add fuel to prostate cancer. The testosterone is considered as the primary male androgen. This treatment is also known as the androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), as it prevents the body from creating more testosterone to reduce or stop the tumor. If you want to keep a regular check to see if the treatment is effective, you may request your doctor to conduct a testosterone test after you have undergone hormone therapy to treat your prostate cancer.

6. Immunotherapy
It uses your own immune cells to target and eliminate the advanced prostate cancer. If you have prostate cancer, the surgeon will extract your immune cells, activate your cells to fight the cancer and inject it back into your body to eliminate the prostate cancer.

7. Chemotherapy
It involves the usage of oral medications to eliminate the cancer cells in your body. It also stops those cancer cells from multiplying in your body and it prevents the creation of new cancer cells that would have a devastating effect in your body.

If you are suffering from prostate cancer or know someone who may be, please do visit a doctor as there are now a plethora of treatment options available for you.