6 Most Effective Birth Control Methods for Women

6 Most Effective Birth Control Methods for Women

It can get confusing with the number of birth control options available, if you’re looking for one.. Figuring out which one works best for you and you’re the most comfortable with is essential. It’s important to use birth control that is effective. In this article, we will be discussing the six most effective birth control methods available to keep you away from unwanted pregnancy.

1. Tubal ligation
This method is 100% effective. It is a permanent solution to preventing pregnancy, so, if you’re sure about never having children in the future, this is a great option to consider. You have to go through a very simple procedure that involves blocking your fallopian tubes, so that they don’t transport eggs to the uterus. The recovery time is quick, leaving your daily activities undisturbed (including your period). This procedure is sometimes reversible, however, your fertility cannot be guaranteed.

2. Hormonal contraception
Hormonal contraceptives adjust your body’s estrogen or progestin levels to decrease the risk of pregnancy. They include replaceable patches, contraceptive pills, and vaginal rings. There could be side effects initially; however, several women noticed a decrease in menstrual pain after opting for these methods. This method is 91% effective.

3. IUD
IUDs are a long-term method of birth control. It prevents pregnancy by denying sperm access to contact and fertilizing the eggs. It is 99% effective, and is effective as soon as it is inserted. You don’t need to worry about it after insertion. Initially, you may experience a higher flow or cramps which will end after a few days.

4. Emergency contraceptive pills
Emergency contraceptive pills are generally consumed when a woman engages in unprotected sex or expects failure with regard to her regular birth control. It is the most effective if consumed within 24 hours of sexual activity.

5. Condoms
Condoms are used during sex as a barrier to avoid any bodily fluids and sperm from entering the vagina. It is used as a one-time thing and isn’t reusable. They protect you from unwanted pregnancy as well as the transfer of STDs. Condoms are available for both, men and women, A male condom is worn on a man’s penis during sex. It is a long tube like structure that comes in different types of textures and is bought over the counter. Its accuracy rate is 98% if used correctly. A female condom is worn inside a woman’s vagina. It is inserted just like a tampon and is generally inserted before engaging in sexual activity. Its accuracy rate is 95%.

6. Other one-time barriers
Sponges, spermicides, cervical cups, etc., are different types of one-time barriers. They generally create a barrier that blocks the sperm from fertilizing the eggs. These are used every time you have sex and are easily available without a prescription over the counter. The average accuracy rate is 88%.

Talk to your doctor to help find what’s perfect for you.