6 Major Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

6 Major Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer occurs when a tumor forms in the pancreas of the patient. Studies show that every year more than 57,000 people in the country develop the disease. Now, there are certain risk factors that increase a person’s chances of developing pancreatic cancer. Having these risk factors does not guarantee that you will suffer from the condition, but it does put one at greater risk of it. Here are six risk factors for pancreatic cancer that you need to know about.

1. Age
Studies show that one’s age is directly related to pancreatic cancer cases. Around 70% of adults who are diagnosed with the disease tend to be above 65 years old. While it is true that even younger people may develop this condition, it is more common in older adults.

2. Having a family history
Many forms of cancer tend to run in the family. This means that if a close blood relative had that form of cancer, chances are high you may develop the condition. The same is the case with pancreatic cancer. Studies show that the risk is even higher when immediate family members have been affected – this includes one’s mother, father, brother, or sister. In some cases, one may even develop pancreatic cancer if other forms of cancer run in the family that share any kind of genetic mutation with pancreatic cancer.

3. Smoking
Smoking leads to several health issues, and pancreatic cancer is one of them. Studies show that smoking is one of the major risk factors for pancreatic cancer, among other types of the disease, making it crucial to quit the habit.

4. Long-term diabetes
It is a well-known fact that diabetes can lead to many other related health complications in the body. Now, some research indicates that patients who have suffered from chronic diabetes are at a heightened risk for developing pancreatic cancer. But, it is advisable to note that all patients who have diabetes do not fall victim to this form of cancer. It is recommended to get yourself examined by a doctor and not panic needlessly.

5. Being infected with hepatitis B
While a lot more study is needed in this direction, some reports do show a higher occurrence of hepatitis B in patients who have this condition. So, it may prove to be one of the possible risk factors for pancreatic cancer.

6. Obesity
Several studies have shown how obesity and a high BMI are directly linked to cases of pancreatic cancer. Moreover, people who consume a diet that is rich in unhealthy fats are also at a greater risk of developing this form of cancer. The risk is also true for those who do not exercise. It is thus vital to consume a balanced diet with adequate nutrition and also lead an active lifestyle to help prevent any diseases.