5 Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

5 Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer develops gradually. Before the appearance of cancer in the cervix, the cells undergo changes called dysplasia. In dysplasia, the abnormal cells tend to appear in the cervical tissue. With time, the cells become cancerous and start growing and spreading in the cervix and surrounding areas.

Treatment options for cervical cancer are mentioned below:

1. Surgery
When cervical cancer is in the early stages, it can be treated with surgery. However, the treatment option for cervical cancer chosen depends on the cancer size and the desire to conceive in the future.

In surgery, the common options are:

  • Surgery to cut out cancer
    If the cancer is small, the doctors can remove cancer via a cone biopsy. In this, a cone-shaped piece is cut out from the cervical tissue. However, the cervix is allowed to remain intact. With this option, it is possible to conceive in the future.
  • Cervix removal surgery – Trachelectomy
    This is another treatment option for cervical cancer in its early stage. In this radical procedure, the surgeon will remove both the cervix and the surrounding tissue. Since the uterus is left behind, it is possible for the patient to concieve.
  • Uterus and cervix removal surgery – Hysterectomy
    A radical hysterectomy operation treats several early-stage cancers. In this, the surgeon will remove the uterus, cervix, a part of the vagina, and some damaged lymph nodes. It prevents the recurrence of cancer, but there is no chance to get pregnant after this.

2. Radiation therapy
In this cancer treatment, high-energy x-rays and other types of radiation are used to destroy cancer. Primarily there are two radiation therapies. In external radiation therapy, a machine outside the body sends radiation in the direction of cancer. Whereas in internal radiation therapy, radioactive substances, such as wires, seeds, catheters, and needles, are used to treat cancer. The type of radiation therapy given depends on the stage and type of cancer.

3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy plays a crucial role in reducing tumor size. It is the most common type of treatment option used in cervical cancer treatment. However, chemotherapy has a few side effects, such as nausea, mouth sores, hair loss, and vomiting. Before undergoing chemotherapy, the doctor might give some pre-medicines to ensure that the side-effects are more bearable.

4. Targeted therapy
It is a treatment option used first to examine and then counteract the unique properties of certain cancer cells. These medications work by associating themselves with the receptors or protein on cancer cells. It then kills them or enables other therapies to do better.

5. Immunotherapy
In immunotherapy, the treatment employed enables the immune system to combat cancer. The immune system may not attack cancer because it generates proteins, making them unrecognizable by the body’s immune system. However, immunotherapy intervenes with the procedure. This treatment option is considered when cancer is in the advanced stages and no other treatment is working.