5 States to Avoid for Arthritis Patients

5 States to Avoid for Arthritis Patients

Inflammation in the joints leads to the onset of arthritis. Around 25% American population is affected by this disease. It is an uphill climb for the people who often struggle to perform basic tasks on a day-to-day basis. A life with arthritis is difficult as it is, and if you are planning to move to another state, make sure you skip these five states as it can aggravate the condition.

1. Georgia
Georgia is known for its warm summer and sun-kissed climate. However, its citizens often complain about its unpredictable weather that can cause shifts in barometric pressure. It is also geographically positioned in a way that makes it susceptible to hurricanes that can send rain and storms to the entire state. This has been a major cause of concern for people suffering from arthritis. Not only do these conditions flare up their symptoms, but the unfavorable healthcare system makes matters worse. Consisting of a smaller ratio of arthritis experts with regards to its patients, you may not always be able to use your health insurance to pay for your treatment. If you have joint pains or suffering from arthritis, then you must consider avoiding this place.

2. Oklahoma
According to experts, Oklahoma is one of the worst states to live in for arthritis patients. The sub-tropical weather followed by a constant shift in barometric pressure can cause your joint pain to get worse. At least 50% of residents claim that the high levels of humidity intensify their joint pain. Additionally, the state also has an inadequate number of rheumatologists as compared to the number of arthritis patients, driving up the cost of healthcare significantly.

3. Louisiana
Louisiana’s humid weather can spell doom for people with arthritis. The humidity can get worse during summer, which can aggravate the arthritis symptoms. Apart from that, Louisiana also receives a high amount of rainfall throughout the year, even in the winter months. If you live in Louisiana, you will also have to deal with the hurricane season that can prevent arthritis patients from getting the necessary medical attention, if they need one.

4. Massachusetts
Massachusetts gets extremely cold winters and winter showers. As a result, the residents of Massachusetts are almost struggling with their symptoms. The cold can increase the pain and the damp weather can cause inflammation in the joints. Even though the state boasts of excellent healthcare infrastructure, it can still be a difficult place to live in with arthritis pain.

5. Mississippi
Mississippi has poor healthcare infrastructure and bad weather that means double trouble for arthritis patients. While the hot and humid weather can make arthritis symptoms worse, the rainy winters can intensify the pain. So, if you are an arthritis patient, consider skipping this state for your wellbeing.

Now that you know the worst places for arthritis patients, it should help you make an informed choice regarding moving to a new state.