10 Worst Cities to Live In with Seasonal Allergies and Asthma

10 Worst Cities to Live In with Seasonal Allergies and Asthma

Spring is among the worst times of the year for people with seasonal allergies and asthma. This is when flowers and trees start blooming, increasing the pollen count in the atmosphere. While some may experience only mild symptoms, others might have to deal with severe symptoms at certain times of the year. Here, we have put together a list of the 10 worst cities for people with seasonal allergies and asthma to help you choose your new home wisely.

1. Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis is one of the worst cities in the country for people with seasonal allergies and asthma. The city’s poor livability ranking can be attributed to the rise in pollen count that can exacerbate allergy symptoms and aggravate discomfort.

2. Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville is known for its tall trees and verdant greens, but this is also one of the primary reasons why it’s unsuitable for people with seasonal allergies and asthma, especially during the spring season.

3. Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte has a high pollen count and significant cases of mold growth in early April due to humid summers and mild winters. As a result, the city is one of the worst choices for people with seasonal allergies and asthma.

4. Jackson, Mississippi
Jackson experiences rainfall between February and March, making it worse for people prone to or having allergies and asthma. Additionally, the city has a robust green cover that can only add to the problems of people with seasonal allergies during the spring season.

5. Chattanooga, Tennessee
The rising pollen count in Chattanooga, the fourth largest city in Tennessee, during the spring season is the main reason why it is ranked as one of the worst cities for people with seasonal allergies and asthma.

6. San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio has a warm and sunny climate, but its year-round plants like oak, cedar, elm, and mulberry can spell doom for people with allergies. These trees shed an immense amount of pollen in the atmosphere, making it difficult for an individual to overcome allergic reactions and asthma without medication.

7. Birmingham, Alabama
Almost as bad as Chattanooga, Birmingham has a higher-than-average pollen count that can trigger or worsen allergy symptoms during the spring season.

8. Richmond, Virginia
Believe it or not, Richmond is infamous for stimulating wheezing and sneezing responses in people with allergies. According to environmental experts, long growing seasons and short winters could be the reason for the worsening of allergy and asthma symptoms.

9. Madison, Wisconsin
Ragweed, found commonly in Madison, can make fall and late summers in the city a nightmare for people with seasonal allergies and asthma.

10. Dayton, Ohio
The high pollen count and unfavorable weather conditions like extremely cold winters have put Dayton on the list of the worst cities for people with seasonal allergies and asthma.

In general, cities with warm temperatures and high humidity levels are considered bad for people with seasonal allergies and asthma.